Sunday 28 August 2016

Beth: Hearts & Strawberries

 On a clear night the other night, I managed to get this pretty photo of Retail. I love Retail in any lights, but I do love it at night with the pretty heart light.

 I set up another public works project, this time the water well. I'm not sure what landscaping I'll do around it, but I made sure it can be surrounded by cedar trees.

 I had enough money to pay off the whole thing immediately, so it's built today!

 Bubbles asked to move, and I really wanted her to go...but of course, I pressed the wrong option and she's staying.

 I made a new wallpaper design, which will be uploaded to my Tumblr tomorrow!

 I gave Isabelle some designs for the last fireworks festival.

 I also saw the well, but unfortunately couldn't attend the ceremony today, due to it being an event day.

 I could, however, see the notice board sign announcing it's completion!

 Just after 7, I collected my last bopper from Isabelle.

I took some fossils up to the museum, and saw the light of the fireworks from my now built up Main Street.

Thanks for reading, make sure to have a great last fireworks show of the year tonight!

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